Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Quick Mini Update - Sold Half of GS Calls for 120% Gain

Our position on Goldman Sachs worked like a charm as we picked it up at a perfect time in my last post. We don't know how long the euphoria will last and when will investors start seeing the dark side of the equation. But rest assured the mess is still not over. For now we will joyously sing and dance with the market and take half off the table. So I just sold half of my GS January Calls for a 120% gain at an option price of $24.2 (Initial price $11 as documented in the last post). Most of my detailed commentary from my last post still holds. Check it out for observations and detailed portfolio listing. I will post my usual and more detailed commentary update along with updated portfolio listing by weekend. Oh one more thing - I am letting the rest of the GS positions ride the wave and have put a tight trailing stop. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Hey Krish,

This was an awesome stock man!! I missed it. Its currently at 332.93. From 9 to 332.93. Amazing!! Good Call. I will make it a point to follow your blog. Thanks for this info.


Krish R said...

Thanks Sumit. Its never late to find such kind of stocks as there is always a new one on the horizon. Check out STXS. Its too early to say anything but it does have some muscle to follow the track of ISRG in years to come.

Krishna Rathi